Tom Nester
Quartermaster - Army
Entered the US Army in 1971 and serving for 22 years. He held every leadership position in the Armor and Armored Cavalry attaining the rank of Regimental Command Sergeant Major. He attended every leadership course from Basic Leadership, Primary Leadership, Basic Non-Commissioned Officers Course, Advanced Non-Commissioned Officers Course, United States Army Sergeant Majors Academy Class 32, Command Sergeant Majors Course Class 1. His overseas Service was with Belin Brigade, 4th Armored Division,1st Armored Division, 3rd Infantry Division, and 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment. He was a Border Patrol Trooper as a Patrol Sergeant, Observation Post Sergeant, Reaction Force Sergeant, Border 1SG, and finally Border Sector CSM for the Czechoslovakian Sector out of Camp Reed and Camp May. His state side duties were as a Drill Sergeant at Ft Knox, KY.; NCO Academy Chief Instructor at 1st Infantry Division Basic Non-Commissioned Officers Course/ Combat Arms, Tank Company 1SG, Headquarters Company 1SG and Battalion CSM with 4th Battalion 37th Armor 2d Brigade 1st Infantry Division at Ft Riley KS.; and as Regimental Command Sergeant Major of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment at Ft Bliss, TX. His Combat duty was as the Squadron Command Sergeant Major of the 3rd Squadron 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment VII Corps Army Europe During Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and Provide Comfort in Southwest Asia (Persian Gulf)
After retiring in 1993 he attended the Yavapai Reserve Police Academy and worked with Cottonwood Police Department and Clarkdale Police Department as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, Drug Recognition Expert, Crash Reconstruction Expert, DUI and HGN Instructor, School Resource Officer.